In New World, when it comes to tanking, a good shield is the number one priority, and that’s why everyone is after the legendary maximum gear score shield known as the Gilded Defense. The Gilded Defense is a legendary Round Shield in New World with the following description: “A shield so beautiful it’s a shame its purpose is to become scratched and battered.”
Gilded Defense is a Tier 5 Legendary rarity round shield in New World MMORPG. It has a 600 Gear Score. Deals 63 damage. Gives bonus attributes on equipping: 15 Constitution. It will occupy 4.125 kg of capacity in your inventory. The item has three useful perks: Sure Footing, Thrust Shield Ward, Accelerated Defiant Stance. The characteristics of this round shield are scaling of 2 attributes: Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX). This guide will explain how to get Gilded Defense in New World and where to find the legendary Artifact Resource you will need to make it.
To get Gilded Defense in New World, you will need to reach Weaponsmithing level 200 and find the Emblem of Fortitude legendary Resource. When you obtain the Emblem of Fortitude, you will see the recipe for Gilded Defense unlocked at the Forge.
Gilded Defense Recipe:
Asmodeum x14
Glittering Ebony x8
Runic Leather x3
Platinum Ingot x1
Emblem of Fortitude x1
Brightscale Hide x4
Smolderhide x2
Emblem of Fortitude in New World is a tier V Crafting Component. Emblem of Fortitude can be used in recipes for Weaponsmithing. Materials can usually be found in the wilderness, and in most cases, can be harvested using certain Tools.
The general rule of thumb is that most elite mob above level 60 in a zone level 58+ can drop the Emblem of Fortitude. Prioritize Expeditions and defeat enemies like Dynasty Heavies to obtain this drop. You can travel to the Shattered Mountain to farm enemies at these levels, but the drop rates may be lower.
Of course, if you don’t feel like finding them on your own, you can use new world gold coins to pick up the Emblem of Fortitude from the Trading Post, as it is not Bind on Pickup. The price depends on the server and if anyone has a sell order up for it at a given time. For the best deal, be sure to sort by price from Lowest to Highest!
That is all you need to know about How To Get Gilded Defense In New World. For more guides, please click here!